Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Late Birthday

So i just realized that i never posted about my birthday! This year i turned 22. It was such a good birthday. I woke up and my roommates had decorated the apartment with balloons and streamers and a present. It was on a monday so i didn't even have to go to classes on my birthday which was nice. Rory and I went out to the Old Iron town ruins. We discovered them a few weeks ago, but didn't get a chance to look at them so we went back. It was kind of interesting and it gave me a chance to finish up my photography assignment. Then my friend Dana took me out to lunch where i ate way too much food. That night Rory was going to take me to dinner but i was still full from lunch so instead we went to the library and worked on our puzzle for a while. Then he pulled off a really cool surprise. He told me that he had to go pick up something from his aunts house but when we got there he took me to the backyard which had a gazebo, where he had music playing and he made me some really good flambes. After that we went out to 3peaks where we played on the swings and star gazed. It was so much fun and made for the perfect birthday ever!


So here is a little update on my life recently. This week is midterms. (yuck) I feel pretty good about them though. I did really good on my outdoor skills canyoneering midterm, and i feel like i knew most of the answers on my photography midterm, and i was finally able to find the answers for my outdoor rec midterm. Now i just have to hope that i found the right answers. So yeah school is going really well. And as a bonus all of my classes have been canceled this thursday :)
Even though Rory and I are both really busy, we have found time to still spend quite a bit of time together and we are having fun. We have a bunch of friends coming down for the weekend so we are going to have a lot of fun. we are hoping that it will get warm enough that we can go hiking with them or something fun outside.
This last weekend i was able to go home to visit my family and my friends. I got to go to my friend Celeste's baby shower. It was so fun to see her again. I also got to see my friends Sarah, Jenny, and Kristen. We don't get to see each other very often so it is really fun when we do. we were really good friends back in Junior High. I wish i could post some pictures with this post, but i don't have my camera with me so bare with me. Im going to try and keep this more updated as well, so stay tuned!