Friday, February 22, 2008

Is it April Fools day already?

I came home last night to discover our kitchen and living room covered in toilet paper. Then as i went into my room i noticed that my lamp was missing and that there was a trail of peanuts leading from my door to my bed. In my bed were peanuts. So when i got those out of my bed i layed down to go to sleep. The prankster had placed coins in between my mattress and my fitted sheet. I was too tired to rip apart my bed so i just slept on the coins last night. It was not my most comfortable nights sleep. This morning as i was getting ready for work i went to put on my shoes and discovered that all of my shoes are missing. except the ones i was wearing last night and a pair that i had in a different place in my room. My roommates woke up to a surprise this morning because they both went to bed pretty early last night. I think it was my friend Jake because he disappeared for a while and then came back acting like nothing was wrong. Don't worry. This is war and we will get this prankster back!


Lynnette said...

I was never a fan, but prank wars are inevitable in college... so of course I participated in a few. I'm trying to remember some of the stuff we did... removing all labels from canned foods, and then adding a few dog food cans also without labels... I think mostly just stealing stuff - like all the silverware in the apartment, stuff like that. Good luck! Keep us posted...

Leah said...

Hey, good to see you found my blog and I got your blog addy. It is fun to keep up with eachother's lives.

Love the pic of the prank. I had to laugh!