Saturday, January 8, 2011

Not having a camera is lame!

Since I have the worst luck in the world with cameras, and my camera broke AGAIN back in September, I haven't had much motivation to blog. I think blogs with pictures are a lot more entertaining to read so it make me sad to know that my blog is becoming boring. (Not that it was really all that exciting to begin with since I never write) Oh well.

I have been having fun since I last posted. I finished my semester with good grades, I spent a lot of time with my friends before I moved away from Cedar City forever. There are some really good friends down there, that I hope I never lose contact with. I also moved back to Orem.

I love being done with school. I love living in Orem. It means I get to see Lyil every day instead of once every few weeks. Lyil and I have had a lot of fun.

Christmas this year was lots of fun! All of my siblings were in Utah and we had a big party two days after Christmas for my parents anniversary. It was a little nuts having 40 people in the house but it was so nice to have everyone there. I got to spend most of Christmas Day with Lyil and his family in Nephi. His Grandma makes the best turkey ever and his uncle makes the BEST cherry pie I have ever had.

The only thing that could make this whole being done with school thing better, is if I could get a job. Lyil and I are both unemployed and are having a hard time finding jobs. Hopefully something comes soon though. Hopefully I will get a job soon so I can blog about that.

1 comment:

Angie LeBaron said...

We hope you get a job too. Good luck! Maybe look at the Boys Ranch (Westridge Academy as it is now called). That is where I worked and your experience and personality would be good there. Just an idea.