Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tagged: my favorites

This was on my sisters blog so i thought i would try it out. Here are my favorites.

Book:I really don't enjoy reading. no matter how hard i try. I just don't have the attention span for it. but i enjoy books that have good messages.

Movie: i have a lot of favorite movies, but most recently i have been liking the inspirational movies. one of my new favorites is 7 years in Tibet

Color: Green its relaxing

TV Shows: i don't have a TV in my apartment and it is really nice. i do love wathing the office though

Guilty Pleasure: last semester when i did have a TV i loved watching LA Ink and Miami Ink

Outfit: some of my favorite shirts were given to my by my friend Melissa. anything from Maurices.

Body Part: i really don't have a favorite body part. That's kinda weird to me

Kitchen Tip: keep the dishes out of the sink.

Activity: hiking. there is nothing better than getting out in nature and getting away from it all.

Life Lesson: Just keep doing your best no matter what comes your way and everything will work out for the best in the long run.

Food: just about anything. i really like chinese.

Child Raising Tip: i don't have any yet cause i don't have kids yet

Pet Peeve: people who lie

Game: ones that make me laugh like apples to apples

Tattoo: pretty sure i don't have one

Element: air? i would die with out it.

hope you learned something new about me:)

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

I did! I didn't know you liked Chinese all that much... or that you watch Miami Ink... I used to watch that sometimes too (no more cable:()I should have put hiking on my list too - but I haven't been for a while!
Thanks for playing!