I've been tagged by Leah
TEN YEARS AGO...I was 11. I was in the end of my 5th grade year. I loved playing outside with my friends. I spent most of my time with Kiri and the girls in my ward.
1. Orem, Utah
2. Cedar City, Utah
3. Orem Utah
4. Cedar City, Utah
5. Orem, Utah
haha i haven't moved a whole lot :)
I ENJOY... anything outdoors. I love warm sunny spring days. I love love love hiking and camping and wish i could do more of it. I love music of all kinds, both playing and listening. I love learning about the environment and nature.
1. I Procrastinate. a lot
2. I sleep too much. well maybe not too much just at the wrong time of the day. I really need to start going to bed earlier and start cutting out the nap time.
3. I don't eat well. I eat too often, and i eat food that isn't healthy for me.
1. I hate carrying a purse. they get in the way. i even bought a guys wallet so that it could fit in my pocket and i wouldn't have to carry a purse.
2. I hate onions. i can taste them in anything unless they are cut up really small and cooked really well. I think they are nasty and won't anything with onions in it.
3. I always have a quote wall in my apartment with all the funny things that my friends and i say on it. this year it is made out of pink and green post it notes. last year it was just random pieces of paper stuck to my door and the year before that it was cute colored paper hung in our kitchen.
4. my favorite part of my year is when i am living in a tent for 3 months, teaching annyoing little scouts boring merit badges, eating mediocre food, getting almost no sleep, getting paid almost no money, and getting eaten alive by mosquitos and spiders. It's amazing! :)
5. i am addicted to hiking. when i don't get to go hiking for awhile i start to crave it. and when i do get to go on a hike i just want to go on more hikes afterward. winter is a long season for me...
1. Hogi Yogi- SUU campus
2. Learning for Life- Boy Scouts of America
3. Assistant Ecology Conservation Director- Camp Maple Dell-Boy Scouts of America
4. Janitor- SUU Housing
5. Babysitting- 8 years old - high school
Now i tag Ashleigh, Lynnette, Brayden, and Lora